Add a Cause
Submit a new charity, nonprofit organization, fundraiser or other cause for you and others to support.
Getting Started
We’re excited you’re here! Please complete the form below. What’s next?
- We'll reach out via email when your webpage is live
- Visit our Resource Center and Getting Started Guide to learn more
- Start sharing and shopping when your webpage is live!
Add A Cause

Adding A Cause Is Easy!
Anyone Can, It's Free
Anyone can submit their own or favorite causes to be supported. It's free and you, your causes and supporters always pay $0 extra.
Go Live
Your cause's custom webpage and retailer links go live 2-4 weeks after completing the form, often in less than one week.
Update Anytime
Update your webpage's pictures, description or other information at anytime simply by reaching out and contacting us.
Welcome to the Family
Our team becomes yours and is here to help. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime. Learn more about how we help your cause below.